Smile lines can tell a story of your happy life. But after a certain point in your life, they’re like a story best kept to one’s self. There are treatments that promise to fade those wrinkles, lines and sagging skin without any downtime. Ultherapy is one of them and it the only FDA approved ultrasound treatment designed to tighten the skin of chin, neck and eyebrow.

Unlike laser treatment, ultherapy treatment uses sound energy to reach deeper skin layers at an optimal temperature. It stimulates collagen production in the skin’s foundation resulting in a clinically significant lift of tissue over 2-3 months. And the time required for the treatment is minimum when compared to the laser treatment. It is based on the area being treated but for a face & neck procedure it takes 60 – 90 minutes, and for chest it takes approx. 30 minutes.

After the treatment, your skin might appear flushed. You might also experience slight swelling and tenderness to the touch but these are temporary. And the good news is ultherapy procedure has been used safely in over half a million treatments worldwide. The cost of this treatment depends upon the area being treated and certain factors including geographic location.

Concerned whether you are a good candidate for ultherapy? It is good for candidates with mild to moderate skin laxity, example includes loose skin on the neck, eyebrow line, sagging under the chin and lines on the chest.

Ultherapy in Kansas City is the best option for those who want to improve their appearance of fine lines and sagging skin without going under the knife.