Hormone Therapy
Bio-identical hormones are specifically compounded to identically match what your body once produced. Bio-Identical Hormone Therapy is not a one size fits all. When done properly, BHRT is easy, safe and effective.
Menopause is not a single point in time when the ovaries are switched off for good, but occurs in stages over the span of a woman’s reproductive life. It’s a transition that begins and ends with female fertility, and in the process, reshapes the way we think, feel, and act.
We consult with Kansas City men for safe, effective testosterone replacement therapy. We naturally and safely restore testosterone levels through the use of SottoPelle® Therapy, using bio-identical hormone replacement therapy (BHRT), with hormone pellets.
Not sure which service or treatment is right for you? Schedule a consultation with us to get a full evaluation of your hormonal health needs. Our team offers in-person and telehealth appointments.
Get information about accessing your online health portal, obtaining a telemedicine consent form, and instructions on how to request having our medical records transferred to another medical provider.

Beginning January 1, 2024, we will no longer accept health insurance and will be moving to a self-pay-basis.
We are proud to offer the Mirabile M.D. Loyalty Rewards Program. This program rewards you, our valued patient, for your continued support and loyalty.