There’s no age at which a man does not need testosterone. And there’s no reason to be afraid of testosterone. This hormone has been central to his well-being his entire life. It sustains many body functions beyond sexual and reproductive health. Normal, physiologic levels of testosterone support proper bone density, muscle mass, fat distribution, cognitive performance, prostate health, production of red blood cells, a normal lipid profile and more. At the same time, low testosterone levels are linked to depression, fatigue, metabolic syndrome, diabetes, obesity, Alzheimer’s, high blood pressure and other ailments. Deficiency has likewise been shown to increase the risk of coronary heart disease as well as all-cause and cardiac mortality. Mounting evidence indicates that maintaining normal testosterone levels can be a key factor in healthy aging. That’s why safe and effective testosterone replacement is vital.

Know the distinction between synthetic and bio-identical hormone replacement

Before signing on for hormone replacement therapy, every individual should understand the distinction between human, synthetic and bio-identical hormones. Human testosterone is created in the testes of a man, and in the ovaries of a woman. Synthetic testosterone is a pharmaceutical drug. It does not match human hormone and cannot replicate every function of human testosterone. This synthetic drug poses many health risks, especially when used in pill, injection, gel, or cream form and in high dosages. Biologically identical testosterone, on the other hand, exactly matches human hormone on a molecular basis.  It can thus address all of the tasks of human testosterone, especially when used in pellet implant form. When properly administered, pellet implants can restore testosterone to the beneficial physiologic levels needed to support optimum health.

Mirabile M.D. uses SottoPelle for safe and effective bio-identical testosterone replacement

The Goal – To restore healthful physiologic hormone levels. The Hormones – Biologically identical hormones the body recognizes, NOT synthetic drugs. The Dosage – Consistent, low dose of hormone. The Method – Pellet delivery system using the bloodstream works 24/7 for months at a time. The Experts – We understand endocrinology and how to return healthful hormone levels in a way the body recognizes and can work with.

Information provided by Dr. Gino Tutera, founder of SottoPelle®.