Pros and Cons of Pellet Hormone Therapy

man happily exercising after pellet hormone therapy

Embarking on the journey of hormone therapy comes with an array of decisions and choices. When it comes to seeking balance, there are many methods to choose from, each having its own pros and cons. Among these choices is pellet hormone therapy, which offers you a smoother and more sustained approach to hormone replacement. Saying […]

What Are the Symptoms of Perimenopause?

perimenopause symptoms

As women get older, they may start to notice more changes happening in their bodies. Hot flashes, mood swings, irregular periods, and changes in sexual function may all be signs that your body has entered the transitional phase of the reproductive years before menopause fully kicks in. Gynecology for middle-aged women typically involves monitoring for […]

What to Expect During Bio-Identical Hormone Replacement Therapy

hormone replacement therapy

As you get older, you may attribute certain symptoms like fatigue, hair loss, and low libido to aging. However, these symptoms, along with feeling depressed or having trouble sleeping, can actually signify a hormonal imbalance. Your body’s hormones play a huge role in regulating certain bodily functions. They allow cells to communicate effectively with your […]

What You Need to Know About Hormone Replacement Therapy for Men

hormone replacement therapy for men

As men age, it’s natural for their testosterone levels to drop. Hormone replacement therapy for men can help hormone imbalance that might be largely affecting a man’s well-being. While there are risks to consider when contemplating hormone replacement therapy, it can be beneficial to boost male testosterone. Different types of hormone replacement therapy, such as […]

Hormone Replacement Therapy for Menopausal and Peri-Menopausal Women

hormone replacement therapy for menopausal women

As women age, they go through a process of hormonal changes. Peri-menopause is the first part of the process. During this stage, women will experience fluctuations in estrogen and progesterone levels. These years leading up to menopause can be a hormonal roller coaster. Once women reach menopause, the reproductive period of their lives is coming […]

The Power of Pellets: Hormone Therapy for Men and Women

hormone therapy

Bio-identical hormone replacement pellet therapy is a treatment that uses small hormone pellets to replenish lost hormones due to the natural aging process. The hormone pellets are made are created to perfectly match the human hormones that they are working to replace. The SottoPelle® pellet therapy method is the preferred pellet therapy method because of […]

Benefits of Bio-Identical Hormone Replacement Therapy

bioidentical hormone replacement therapy

Hormone replacement therapy has been commonly used to help women combat the symptoms of menopause and perimenopause. These symptoms—hot flashes, night sweats, mood swings, vaginal dryness, and more—can be uncomfortable and add unneeded stress to a woman’s daily life. In 2002, however, traditional hormone therapy was called into question by the Women’s Health Initiative due […]

Look your best at this season’s social affairs

Pose for selfies, smile for the photographer and hear “Wow, you look fabulous!” as you shine at upcoming special events!   Fall heralds the start of the social season. But if you’re anticipating cocktail parties, weddings and galas (and the photos that accompany them) with dread instead of delight, it’s time to meet with the MedCosmetic […]

Give your guy the gift of wellness for Father’s Day

Skip the tie or barbecue tools for Father’s Day. Instead, help the man you love discover new vitality and well-being at Mirabile M.D. Beauty, Health and Wellness. Often, that journey starts with bio-identical hormone replacement therapy. “While the majority of our patients seeking help for hormonal imbalance are women,” says James Mirabile, M.D., FACOG, medical […]

Add “total wellness” to your 2018 resolutions

Becoming your own BFF is just the beginning to making this year your best.  It may come as no surprise that one of the most repeated New Year’s resolutions is to lose weight. Other popular goals include getting a better night’s sleep, feeling better overall, gaining self-confidence and even finding more personal time; in essence […]