October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month

breast cancer ribbon

Did you know…. One in eight women will be diagnosed with breast cancer in their lifetime. Breast cancer is the second leading cause of cancer related deaths among women. Breast cancer kills one woman every 13 seconds in the United States. Although breast cancer in men is rare, an estimated 2,150 men will be diagnosed […]

September is Ovarian Cancer Awareness Month

ovarian cancer

Ovarian cancer is the 5th leading cause of cancer-related deaths among women and is the deadliest gynecological cancer. Ovarian cancer is a cancer that begins in an ovary. The most common type of ovarian cancer is called epithelial carcinoma. It begins in the epithelial cells on the outer surface of the ovary. Fallopian tube and peritoneal […]

Chicken and Zucchini Poppers

zucchini burgers

Ingredients: 1 lb. ground chicken breast 2 c grated zucchini, leave peel on 2-3 green onions, sliced 3-4 T cilantro, minced 1 clove garlic, minced 1 tsp salt 1/2 tsp pepper 3/4 tsp cumin, optional olive oil for cooking (can substitute coconut oil, avacado oil or ghee) Toss chicken with all other ingredients, excluding oil. […]

Heading off to college?

college student

Practical health and wellness advice for the college student.  Going away to college is a big transition for young adults. Suddenly you are fully responsible for your own schedule and choices. You no longer have Dad setting a curfew or Mom reminding you to eat your vegetables. While balancing your social life, studies, and your […]

Low Carb Orange Creamsicle


  Enjoy this creamy, delicious treat without the fat, calories and carbs! Orange Creamsicle 1 scoop Weightloss Vanilla Premium Protein Powder 1 cup diet orange soda 1/2 tsp orange extract Calories 115 Fat 1g Carbs 4g Protein 23g

Testosterone – a man’s most vital hormone

man jogging

  Testosterone is a man’s most vital hormone and is critical to overall health and well-being. Every man experiences a gradual decline in hormone production as he gets older. Beginning at age 30, his body starts to manufacture less and less testosterone, losing roughly one to three percent per year. Then, sometime between age 40 […]

Keeping your salad healthy


If you are eating salad every day for lunch and dinner in hopes of shedding pounds, you may not be eating as healthy as you think. Salads can have upwards of 1,000 calories and more than 65g of fat. That is more calories and fat than a fast food burger and fries. Not all salads […]

Skinny Shamrock Shake

Skinny shamrock shake

Makes 2 servings 1 scoop Signature Whey Protein Shake (vanilla) 1 cup unsweetened almond milk 1/2 cup fat-free cottage cheese 1/4 cup frozen spinach 1/4 tsp peppermint extract 1 packet Splenda 1/2 cup crushed ice Combine all ingredients and blend until smooth. Tips: adjust sweetner, extract and ice to taste. Don’t like cottage cheese? Use […]

Tomato Basil Stuffed Chicken Breast

tomato basil stuffed chicken

With only 220 calories and 2 grams of carbohydrates, this chicken main course is delicious and healthy. A beautiful dish that is suprisingly easy to prepare. Courtesy of fitnessrxwomen.com. Ingredients (4) 6 oz. boneless, skinless chicken breast 4 tsp. olive oil 4 small Roma (Italian/plum) tomatoes 4 fresh basil leaves salt and pepper, to taste 2 […]

Bio-Identical vs. Synthetic Hormones

mirabile md team

Hormone replacement therapy has helped countless men and women conquer the symptoms of hormone deficiency. When considering hormone replacement therapy, it’s important to understand the differences between bio-identical and synthetic hormones. Bio-identical hormones Bio-identical hormones are plant-based hormone substances. Made from soy and yam, they precisely match the molecular structure and function of human hormones. […]